Coastal States fail to reach sharing agreement on mackerel, but quota is set

The overall total allowable catch has been set in line with ICES advice and is lower than last year.

The lack of agreement over how much of the shared quota each country gets has worsened in recent years. Nations that harvested the fish in 2021 exceeded International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) advice by 30-40 percent for key pelagic stocks.
The lack of agreement over how much of the shared quota each country gets has worsened in recent years. Nations that harvested the fish in 2021 exceeded International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) advice by 30-40 percent for key pelagic stocks.Photo: LEIF NØTTESTAD, HI
Published 28 October 2021, 08:18Updated 28 October 2021, 12:06
MackerelHerringBlue whitingNorwayCoastal States