US seafood import rules protecting marine mammals inch closer

Beginning next year, countries exporting seafood to the US market will need to submit a progress report on what they are doing to bring their marine mammal protection regulations in line with those governing US fisheries.

With the publication of NOAA's List of Foreign Fisheries this year, countries wishing to continue exporting seafood to the US will be asked in 2019 to submit their plans for protecting marine mammals.
With the publication of NOAA's List of Foreign Fisheries this year, countries wishing to continue exporting seafood to the US will be asked in 2019 to submit their plans for protecting marine mammals.

Countries exporting seafood to the United States will be required, beginning in 2019, to submit a progress report to the US government detailing the development of their regulatory programs to reduce marine mammal bycatch.

The requirement is the next step in a phased-in process mandating that nations exporting wild and farmed seafood to the United States meet fishing standards for protecting marine mammals equal to those American fishermen.