The last overview from the salmon exchange Direct Hedge shows that bids for October were at NOK 21 (€2.7/$3.68) per kilo.
That is NOK 2.25 (€0.29/$0.39) less than they were a week before.
For November and December, bids are at NOK 22.50 (€2.9/$3.95) and NOK 22.75 (€2.93/$3.99) respectively, this time a drop of around NOK 1 (€0.13/$0.18) compared to the previous week’s bidding.
Bids for January, February and Marc hare at NOK 22.75 (€2.93/$3.99), NOK 23.25 (€2.99/$4.08) and NOK 23.50 (€3.03/$4.12) respectively.
They then peak in May, June and July at NOK 24 (€3.09/$4.21)